A Grandma's Cheesecake Sandwiches Update

A Grandma's Cheesecake Sandwiches Update

Well, as you all know we did not get selected for the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest...voting obviously was a big part of their process, and being such a new business where we're still trying to get the word out landed us shy of what we needed to get over the first hurtle, but cheers to the top 100 businesses that made it through the first round. We will try again next year when we are more recognizable.

So much has been happening, which is great when you are launching a start-up. There are a lot of things to do on a daily basis, and one of those things we recently did was display at a Food Show hosted by our new distributor, McMahon's Farm. It was a great success, and we will soon be launching into several new much larger store chains. We will definitely keep you posted on that tidbit as we progress.

Our new packaging is really cool, and we know you will like it. So, keep an eye out for Grandma's Cheesecake Sandwiches in your local supermarket in the near future.

Special thanks to all those that voted for us, and we hope to hear from you again soon.

Happy eating!!!